Read the title!
The purpose of this blog is to create somewhat of a database of financial jargon for those who have no idea why a company would want to melt its assets (liquidifiy), or why they would want an investment account that leaks (DRiPs).
Logically, the reader of the jargon can come to two conclusions: the first being that whoever they are reading is completely out of their mind, or the second (the philosophy behind this blog) which is the fact that the reader has not yet learned the appropriate terminology to read the article.
Of course it's easier to assume the writer is wrong, but that usually leads to accumulation of debt or loss the money needed to pay the rent. (Let's avoid the scenario below)
So it's settled; this blog is going to tell you what on earth those economists are saying, and will hopefully prepare you for the impending (you know they are) financial crises. Astound your neighbours, amaze your friends, by knowing what the @#$% your bankers are saying behind your back (or more likely, to your face, hoping you won't know what it is).
So sit back and relax, this won't hurt! (much.. no really, I'll try to keep the bad puns at a minimum)
new post soon? :)